209P/LINEAR – wielka porażka

Od kilku tygodni mówiło się głośno o niezwykłym wydarzeniu, które miało mieć miejsce 24 maja. W związku z przejściem naszej planety przez orbitę komety 209P/LINEAR, pył zgromadzony przez lata 1803-1924, miał wpaść w ziemską atmosferę i narobić sporo zamieszania.

Nasłuch UKFu zacząłem dzień wcześniej, wieczorem 23 maja. W sumie meteorów było mało, czyli tyle co normalnie. W zamian pojawiło się tropo lokalne spowodowane 30 stopniowym upałem w ciągu dnia. Postanowiłem zostawić nagrywanie na noc i wstać o 6:30 (=4:30 UTC), aby nie przegapić tego specjalnego wydarzenia. Jak pomyślałem tak zrobiłem.

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XDR-GTK v0.2.2

I have recently come up with an idea for improving static RDS PS decoding. It’s very simple, we’re using RDS data up to 5-bit correction and each PS character is replaced only with another that has the same error correction level or lower. The Es season is coming, so this might be helpful for some countries that don’t mainly use dynamic PS names – like UK, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia… I also added an option to display the RDS PS in greyscale colors depending on the error correction level.

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Tropo in December 2013

This tropo was very long awaited. Actually, 2013 was not too generous for us in Poland… maybe except my receptions from Finland. This time distant stations were strong, very strong! I haven’t seen such high signal levels before. It started on 11th December morning with stereo signals from Steinkimmen. Maybe nothing special but when I left my home I realised that it was… raining.

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XDR-GTK v0.2


  • user settings
  • calibrated signal meter
  • rewritten spectral scanning
  • antenna pattern plotting
  • frequency presets
  • sound volume control
  • antenna switching
  • network connection
  • improved look (Windows)
  • new GTK+ libraries (Windows)
  • rewritten serial port handling (Windows)
  • other bug-fixes / improvements
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Another Finnish Tropo

Less than a month has passed since previous propagation from Finland and here it is again. I noticed a weak signal from Lapua on 4th October evening. Well… it was an awesome tropo start, first station and distance almost 1200km! Tropospheric ducting has strengthened during night and I got a good signal from Pihtipudas and Jyväskylä in the morning. Unfortunately no RDS was received this time due to adjacent and co-channel interferences.

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September Tropo ’13

7th September seems to be again a lucky day for the tropospheric propagation, just like exactly a year ago. This time stations were coming from Finland, Estonia and Sweden. Tropo peaked around 8 UTC and I beat my personal RDS-quality record – three stations from Anjalankoski reached fair stereo+RDS signal at distance 1005km, with levels up to about 20dBf. Enhanced tropospheric conditions lasted from 4th to 9th September, but the strongest and the farthest ducting took place on 7th September.

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